Monday, January 21, 2008

Weekend Assignment Available on YouTube! and LOTS MORE COOL STUFF

Yes, you can watch a low res version of the entire movie Weekend Assignment now on YouTube. I am preparing to take the movie to as many film festivals this summer as I can.

My portfolio has been updated, and I will continue to add more of my current works to it as time permits.

I have stared my 2nd to last semester as an undergraduate here at IUPUI and I have been quite busy. Also I am now an intern for the UITS Advanced Visualization Lab helping them out with problem solving and media content for the technology and projects they support.

Also this short called "Choice" that I showed at the Premier will be entered in IMAX's "Really Big Short Film Festival" this week. I created this with Ben Phillippe and Justine Marter. The music is original by Joseph Burrows, and Aaron Gallimore is the main character.

If that wasn't exciting enough, I have been elected the President of the IUPUI chapter National Broadcast Society. I am responsible for the success of this chapter, by enriching many of our New Media students in professional media competitions as well as committing our chapter to our own portfolios and extended learning of multimedia production as professionals.

That is a lot on my plate so don't be too surprised if you see me jetting in and out of the IT building. I have talked with Jeff Brown about working on my PIPE this semester and he is getting closer to turing the curcuit over to me for programming. I am taking a class in C (which is the highest language the curcuit will understand after compiling) language programming right now so by the time he is ready I should be as well.

Weekend Assignment is COMING TO A THEATRE NEAR most of you. In Feburary I will be showing the Movie again in 3D during a week day for anyone who wants to come see it. More information on that will be posted here and on campus by next week.

Wish me Luck & God Bless You!
